26 Women Share A Quote They’d Tell Their 22 Year Old Selves

We all have things we’d love the pleasure of going back and tell our younger selves if we could — beauty tips, don’t cry over that boy, and MORE!

Although there is no way to go back in time to share these thoughts with our younger selves, there is no one stopping us from sharing the same wisdom with other girls.

So grab a glass of wine, kick back and get ready for some serious thinking, inspiration and even a few laughs!

  1. “I would tell myself to be patient — about everything. I still tell myself to be patient. I want everything to happen yesterday, and really for no good reason. The cliche of enjoying the journey and not the destination is so painfully true. This IS it, the day-to-day.” - Adriana C., 26

  2. “Stop stressing yourself out over grades, and actually live a college lifestyle. You can have fun and be smart too.” - Jiselle O., 25

  3. “Carol, take it slow and take it in; those big dreams you have will come through.” - Carol A., 26

  4. “Bathe, NAP, rinse and repeat. Work them into your life now, because by the time you have kids, you’ll loose decades of napping.” - Ashely T., 31

  5. My Favorite Quote: “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” - Ernshella E., 26

  6. “Fear of disappointing your parents is the worst reason to pursue a career path that is wrong for you.” - Lindsey L., 29

  7. “There’s no purpose below you allow the process to play it’s part. Don’t let an unmet expectation have you missing what God has planned for . you.” -Sherah, 29

  8. “There is plenty of time for boys, girl focus on your goals right now, work hard and boss up!.” - Alanna, 26

  9. “Be enough for yourself first. The rest of the world can wait.” - Brittani F., 25

  10. “You are only human. You don’t have to have it together every minute of everyday.” - Jackie H., 26

  11. “Be patient, you will finish school on your own time.” - Jasmine C., 28

  12. “Build your savings, and you’re about to get thicccc.” - Jasmine N., 25

  13. “You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you CAN’T pick your friend’s nose.” -Gabriella F.,

  14. “Trust God’s timeline”. - Monica W., 29

  15. “Don’t spend your life worrying you’re behind others, just focus on being in front of who you were yesterday.” - Jessica B., 28

  16. “Guard your heart. That doesn’t mean have a hard heart or to cut yourself off from the world or never “Fall in love”. It means to become wise in the Word of God and have the spirit of discernment within you. “ + “When storms come & they will God is our number one comforter, but he sends strong women to help carry you through the storms & also laugh and cry during the good times - Sisterhood and community are important.” -Marissa W., 30

  17. “Girl, breath. Everything is going to work out in the way that it should. Do things that scare you, eat things that make you feel good, and never be too tired to laugh.” - Gabrielle M., 27

  18. “Be kinder to yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself and impatient with your personal growth. There is no rush.” - Tayllor L., 27

  19. “Make your mental health more of a priority, and develop better boundaries with the people around you! You cannot be “The strong friend” when you’re not giving yourself a break! You’re a black woman and the world will try it’s best to break you DAILY! It’s imperative that you’re mentally prepared! Help does not make you weak, it makes you human! Get a therapist and put in the work!.” - Tay, 27

  20. “Even when the path is blurry, keep the VISION clear. Take that risk; respect your intuition & start TODAY!” - Breonna C.,

  21. “Don’t take yourself too seriously, and leave room for the unknown. Hardships and emotions will come, but they also depart. Breathe through it all.” - London W., 25

  22. “Focus on learning who you are and what you want before trying to impress people you won’t care about a few years from now. & Pay off your debt ASAP!” - Brittany D.,

  23. “Do not get so caught up in planning every single moment that you forget that God’s plan is probably completely different.” - Demi S., 25

  24. “Deep down YOU know EXACTLY what YOU are CAPABLE of. There are even moments when you get a glimpse of ALL the potential YOU hav. You CAN get there. YOU just have to be willing to SACRIFICE the habits, things and situations that are standing in the way of your success.” -Brittney S., 27

  25. "Don’t feel pressured by society to rush into marriage or having kids based on a timeline. Follow your own timeline, and most importantly follow your heart.” - V’Andrea C., 49

  26. “Despite being a soon-to-be mom, it doesn’t stop you from continuing to achieve your goals. Its’s hard but definitely attainable. You have a new life to take care of & look forward to, don’t stop. The end result is worth it, it brings countless blessings & internal happiness.” - Tamera K., 25

Big thanks to all of the amazing women who took the time to share!

All the best,


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