20 Little Things To Do To Choose YOU
I believe there is not only reason but also purpose for every season. This season is not at all excluded- What if we give it the purpose of actually stopping, slowing down, and taking care of ourselves (because how often do we truly do that in our normal routines?).
I’m sure you’re asking “exactly how do I even do that?”. Keep reading to uncover 20 small things you can do for yourself right now, all with just one purpose: to tune in to what you truly need. Do you need to rest and recover to feel better, or do you need to feel accomplished and reorganize your closet?
Make your happiness the #1 priority, and make every decision based on the level of joy it will bring you. Put down the computer, take a work break, and spend a few minutes caring for yourself with these 20 little ways - You’ll thank me later!
1. Learn how to DIY your favorite cocktail(Save those coins)
2. Write down your biggest career goals(quarantine can’t stop hustle)
3. List five things you like about yourself
4. Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, but have been thinking about
5. Do a workout that makes you happy and sweaty(at home)
6. Take a nap at anytime
7. Order a new book that inspires you
8. Check in on your relationship with money(budgeting still exists)
9. Go on a walk (but change it up)
10. Snuggle with someone you love (even if that someone is you!)
11. Read an entire chapter of the book you’ve been trying to finish forever
12. Create your own “feel-good” playlist of all your favorite songs
13. Do the thing you say you never have time to do(guilty)
14. Do something creative like scrapbooking, painting, or cooking
15. Make a donation
16. Brain dump whatever is on your mind
17. Go on a drive, open the windows, and blast the music
18. Spend an extra five minutes in bed
19. Buy yourself flowers during your next trip to the grocery store
20. Download a meditation app
what are you doing for you?!
Catch ya on the flip side,